Chapter 218
Chapter 218
Moving quickly, I carried her out of the way with one arm while ragging her husband by the collar.
By the time I placed them safely away, the whole community had gathered, watching my beast form warily with a hint of surprise. I turned away from them, rushing into the castle and as soon as I got in, the stench of blood and sweat filled the air.
People who had been on their way out cowered from my beastial form, their eyes wide with terror. I paid them no mind, instead I lifted my nose in the air, trying to detect my mother’s scent from the hundreds in this castle.
I heard two loud growls and then the crashing of something upstairs.
Immediately, I ran up the stairs, hoping to the gods that my mother was not hurt. Going up some floors, I eventually found the throne room and I entered just in time to see her wielding a large sword, while gracefully maneurvering her way through three men like a skilled warrior
I recognized the two as Vladmir and Finnegan but I didn’t know who the third person was. Before I could join in, I realized I didn’t need to find out.
My mom just beheaded him.
I stood in stupor, watching the man’s head roll on the floor for a moment before coming to a stop.
I looked at her again in awe. Who is Diana Ashmore?
Diana fell on one knee using the sword for support and that’s when I realized she was bleeding from her shoulder. Panic seized me and in that moment, Finnegan and Vlad came for her
“Behind you!” I mindlinked her before pummeling Finnegan to the ground. Landing on top of him, I wasted no time in sinking my teeth into his neck.
He groaned out in pain, and I took in mouthfuls of his blood in delight.
But something was off.
His blood…it tasted different….almost bitter.
I yanked my teeth out, staring down at him and to my dismay, he had a sadistic smile on his lips. “What?” Don’t like the taste?”
Immediately, my lungs began to collapse on itself and I scrambled back away from him, wheezing.
Finnegan laughed, rising to his feet.
I scrambled back some more, feeling my body grow smaller.
“Kathryn!” My mother yelled and when I looked at her, I saw raw fear in her eyes. In that moment of distraction, Vlad clawed her chest.
Blood splattered and I wanted to cry out but I found it hard to speak. Whatever I ingested was paralyzing me and in its wake bringing with it excruciating pain. I watched my mother slide down a wall, coating the cream paint with blood.
17:31 Fri, Jan 31 BBB.
Chapter 218
I tried to crawl to her as Vlad limped towards her, but I had been struggling with breathing for a while and my vision had begun to darken at the sides.
“Ravensfoot.” Finnegan mused. “One of the rarest poisons that could kill a blood wolf but surprisingly not harmful to a lycan.”
I kept my eyes on my mother who still swung her sword to keep lad away from her while trying to struggle to her feet. She spewed out blood from her mouth and I cried, not wanting to lose her again.
My wolf thrashed within me, fighting the pain and the poison but I could feel her getting weaker. I could feel myself slipping away. My mother got to her feet, looking my way. Her eyes glassed with tears. “STAY AWAY FROM HER!” She yelled before facing Vlad again in battle.
I tried to inhale but I could only get a little air in. It was almost as if there was no air left in the room.
A kick to my stomach and I rolled onto my back with a cry. Coming face to face with Finnegan, I watched his shirt soak with his blood from my bite, while his eyes glimmered in triumph. “I have waited for this day for a very long time. Finally, my sons will be free. of you, witch! They may hate me now for it but they will thank me later down the line.”
I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself but all I could do was take in another shallow breath, holding my throat as my feet flailed about
“DIE, BITCH!” Finnegan eyes went as wide and round as possible.
Suddenly, something pushed him back and I saw Theon land a powerful punch on his father’s jaw.
I felt hands wrap around my body and lift me up, then I saw Miro’s distraught face.
“Why didn’t you wait?” His face twisted in pain as if he were about to cry. “Why didn’t you wait for us?”
I could only stare at him while hearing Theon fight his father. My gaze drifted back to them, and in time, I saw Theon grow into his beastial form. He slapped his father, clawing half his face off and before Finnegan could react, Theon spun him around like a rag doll, dug his claws in his back and ripped his spinal cord out with a sickening sound.
The former King of the North fell to his knees, and stalled for half a breath before falling face first to the floor. His eyes were wide open when he landed and when they looked directly at me. I smiled in victory just as I watched the light die in his eyes. Just then, my mother managed to ram her sword into Vlad and with a kick, sent him out the broken window.
In a few seconds, the people I love the most surrounded me as I struggled to take my last breaths.
“Breathe.” My mother urged, her hands on both sides of my head. “Mommy’s here okay? Help is on the way. Does anyone know what poison was used?” She asked but my mates shook their heads, their faces reflecting their heartbreak,
A tear rolled down Miro’s face and I felt it land on my skin.
I tried to speak but the words stayed lodged in my throat. Still I forced myself to try.
Miro seemed to see my attempt so he lowered his ear to my lips.
“Ra….……………..vvv…ens.……….ot.” I whispered, then a whoosh of breath came out of me, and the last thing I saw was the cold, detached gaze of Theon.