Warrior 196

Warrior 196


Chapter 196 

Chapter 196 


Where am I

A sharp intake of breath and my eyes opened as wide as the heaviness keeping them shut would allow me

The sound of my heart beating no pounding filled my ears, accompanied by the hoarse noise my lungs made when taking in air

Where am I

All I can see is a moving white ceiling

Can you hear me?A voice asked, but it sounded so far away

I realized I could not move. A face peered above me

It was Healer Kwans’s. You’ll be fine 

I would have believed him if the worry etched on his face hadn’t said otherwise

My eyes closed and when I opened it, I was back in my bedroom with a bunch of other people

Security, Healers, Adam and Sadie

Ryn. Where is Ryn

Then I remembered. My brother, kneeling above me, with his claws raised. Ryn shouting somewhere in the background. Miro turning to her, and then back to me. When he brought his hand down, he punched the space beside my head, then he leaned close, his voice a growl

Know this. You are alive because of my mate and because I chose to have mercy on you. If I see you again, I will kill you.” 

And then he got up and took my mate away from me

I squeezed my eyes shut, curling my hands into fists. A strange sensation started within my chest, crawling up my throat, constricting the airflow before coming to sit behind my eyes with a slow burn

Uncle Theon?” 

I opened my eyes and turned my head to the side, seeing my cousin’s concerned face, along with Adam’s. Healer Kwan, who had been whispering to his colleagues, turned to me

All of them looked concerned, and I could see something else in their eyes as well


How are you feeling?The Healer said, coming to my side, feeling my forehead

I hadn’t even paid attention, but now I’m fully aware that everywhere hurts

Everywhere burns

Everywhere aches

an 16 



Chapter 196 

I swallowed, working my throat

Talk to me. Are you in pain?“, 

The answer is yes, but the pains I’m feeling right now are far from physical and as the burning behind my eyes intensified, so did the anger simmering beneath it

Get out.” 

My voice came out as a whisper, but everyone heard it because there was a mixture of confusion and shock in the room

Yourr Highness.Healer Kwan said, We are here to help you.” 

I said get. Out.I spoke a little higher this time. Every one of you. Out!” 

With some hesitation, Kwan and his colleagues were the first to exit the room, then my security followed before Adam and Sadie eventually got up and left

I turned my face away through it all, and the moment the door closed behind them, the burning behind my eyes released a tear that rolled down my face

I failed Ryn

If I had listened to her earlier on, my body would have gotten used to her blood and maybe I would have had a chance against my brother

But I was proud, and now I have lost both the throne and her

Goddess knows what Miro would do to her. What if my father succeeds in ending her life

I sat up in bed, biting down a groan

The heaviness in my eyes was a battle, but I did my best to force them open. After taking deep forceful breaths, I pushed my legs over the bed frame, wincing at the pain burning through my back

You’re useless now.” 

Those were the words of my father to me

They were chilling, like an ice pick to the heart. My father had never spoken like that to me before. Not in that manner, but the way he said it like he hated me and enjoyed those words

Now I think I know what Miro must have endured all these years

I may have discarded the King as a father, but he had been my mentor for years and words like thathurt. Especially now that it’s evident that I can’t save Ryn or get the throne. Miro is now King and if Ryndoesn’t get justice, it will be all my fault

Rising to my feet caused me more pain than I could ever imagine, and as every muscle burned and stretched, I told myself I deserved it

I deserve twice as much

Using the bed and everything in my path, I managed to get to the bedroom door, then I leaned against the walls till I got to the step landing and began the painstaking journey downstairs

Getting to the last step felt like forever, but the moment I got there, I made my way to the bar and mixed one of Miro’s terrible cocktails for numbness

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Chapter 196 


I mixed two and took it all at once

Then I staggered to one of the living room couches before collapsing on it. A bite of pain lanced through me, eliciting an involuntary chuckle from my lips

The Unbeatable Theon has finally been defeated. In the wake of his brother becoming King, he will be exiled out of the kingdom and forgotten by the world

Another bitter chuckle rumbled through my chest. Everything have worked for has fallen to pieces and my mate will be highly disappointed in me. My dark amusement faded into a grave sense of pain and anguish.. 

What can I do? How can I save Ryn when I am practically powerless?” 


My mother’s voice from when I was a kid echoed through my mind

When everything seems like it’s falling apart, always pray to the Goddess and she will answer

I took her advice once as a kid, when I prayed that she wouldn’t die but she did so I decided the Moon Goddess was a fluke, but now I think I’d give her another try

Maybe some higher powen out there will help me

I swallowed, wincing at the pain in my throat. Goddess. Gods. Whoever you are. Please hear me. Save my Ryn.My throat __constricted again. Give me the strength to do right by her. I have nothing and no one else, so please” 

Another tear rolled down my face, and I angrily wiped it away

Suddenly, the door burst open and when masked men entered my apartment, I was too numb to react

Who the hell are you?I queried, trying to move, but feeling utterly immobile

A masked lady with blonde hair came in after them. I frowned


She looked at me, her eyes filled with disgust, then she looked at the men. Seize him. Put a bag over his head.” 

I tried to move again, but my limbs felt like logs of wood, so I let them grab me and cover my head

Where are you taking me?My words slurred as I tried to see from the pitch blackness of the bag, which smelt like spices

We are taking you back to our base. The Watcher wants to see you.” And with that said, I drifted back into darkness

I jerked awake, feeling the bite of something cold and chilly pierce my skin. When I felt water dripping down my body, that’s when I realized I had just been drenched in cold, icy water

Raising my head, I found El standing in front of a spotlight, which was the only source of light in the pitch darkness I was in. I was seated in a chair, my hands tied behind me but I realized I was in less pain and could see a lot better

Was that necessary?I quivered, my body shuddering. El simply moved out of the way letting the light enter my eyes. I winced. Where am I?” 

You’re in the place of transformation, but it all depends on what you say at the end of our conversation.” 

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Chapter 196 

That voice did not belong to El

No. That voice belonged to someone else. Someone I hated

A large figure came and stood beside the spotlight. My heart hammered as I realized who it was

Please, don’t tell me you’re the Watcher.” 

The large figure bent forward and the face of my archenemy came into the light

But of course Lam.Donainic Tarrent grinned wolfishly. Hello heon.– 

A myriad of emotions thundered through me anger being the strongest

Does Ryn know?I muttered, not liking this revelation. That you’re the Watcher?” 

Dominic’s grin faded as he rose back to his full height. No. She does not, and I prefer you keep that to yourself until she is ready to know.” 

A bitter laugh escaped me. Why? Cause you know she will turn on you the moment she finds out?” 

No. Because her entire life depends on it.” 

I tried to find his face in the darkness. “How? What do 

you mean 

That’s a topic for another day. Right now, I hate to say it but I need your help?” 

I eyed him warily. This was not what I had in mind when I hoped to meet Dominic again. What

Simple.” He folded his arms across his chest. I need you to save Ryn.” 

A bitter scoff came out of me. In case you haven’t heard, I am not what I used to be.” 

I know.Dominic said. I saw the fight. It delighted me greatly, just so you know.” 

I ground my jaw

That’s why I’m offering to make you as you used to be.” 

I frowned, but I was intrigued. I’m listening.” 

u need my help for

I know the process that made you strong. I can do it again and even make you better than before but you must swear to me that you will use that strength to save Ryn.” 

And why should I take anything from you?I replied. You used my first mate to poison me.My throat constricted again as I remembered Elizabeth. You’re the reason she’s dead.” 

No.Dominic replied. If you’re going to blame anyone for the death of your mate, blame your father. He’s the one who 

had her killed.” 




Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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