Chapter 10
Saturday morning, I had it all figured out. After last night, it was crystal clear Ethan and Vicky wanted me gone. Hell, Vicky’d made that obvious forever ago.
But instead of letting them push me around, I was gonna do my own thing. Best way to handle haters? Ignore them. I’d head into town, grab stuff for my cottage, stock up my fridge. Then I’d only need to hit the main house to get to my car in the garage.
Threw on some shorts and a tank, grabbed my stuff, and headed for the garage. Once I got everything I needed, they wouldn’t have any reason to
mess with me.
Sneaking in through the back door, the house was dead quiet – thank God. Last thing I needed was twenty questions about where I was going.
Cut through the kitchen, taking the same way Dad showed me to the garage. My sweet ride was sitting there looking fine. Sliding into that black leather seat, I ran my hand over the steering wheel. Dad really nailed it with
this car.
Sure, we had our issues, but at least he was trying now. That counted for something. Started her up and watched everything light up. Good thing I’d googled all about this car last night – especially pumped about the GPS. Made life way easier since I had zero clue where anything was around
Punched in some destinations, saved them for later, and backed out onto
the road.
My phone started blowing up – number I didn’t know. Figured it might be Dad, so I answered. “Hello?”
“Where the hell are you going?”
Ethan sounded super ticked off, which honestly just cracked me up.
First off, why do you even care? And how’d you get my number?”
Get 5 >
“Don’t dodge the question, Emily. You can’t just take off without telling anyone… your father’s worried.” Nice try with the guilt trip, buddy.
“That’s funny, ‘cause I texted Dad this morning about hitting the store. Wanna try that again?”
Dead silence. Got him. I was totally bluffing about texting Dad, but I wanted to see what he’d say.
“That’s not the point.” Busted – knew he was lying about Dad being worried. I’d barely known this guy two minutes and he was already driving me nuts.
Cool story, but next time try not lying. I’ll be back when I’m back. Don’t call again.”
Hung up before he could say anything else. Never thought these four guys would be such a pain. Like, I’m not even trying to be in their business and they’re being total jerks.
Must be a testosterone thing or whatever.
Town looked way prettier today than yesterday. Actually kind of excited about starting classes Monday. At least school would keep me busy enough to ignore all their drama.