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Chapter 161 

Chapter 161 

Kendra showed Iris the photo too. Look at that woman. Look how eager she is.” 

Iris lowered her gaze

It was a picture of Fiora caring for Stanley in the hospital after his accident, which Kendra managed to capture

Iris was aware of it, so it didn’t surprise her. Instead, hint of disdain and sadness crossed her face. Vince glanced at the photo and couldn’t help but comment, He has no shame.” 

Yes, he does have no shame,Kendra agreed. And the same goes for that wornan. I bet she already started seeing Stanley before the divorce. Women these days have no morals they just throw themselves at any man.She sounded serious when she said that

But she is pretty. Stanley is such a lucky bastardshe continued

Mom, go talk to other people too. There are a lot of guests to entertain,he said, gently pushing Kendra away to curb her incessant chatter

He then turned back to Iris, winked, and said, Don’t mind her.” 

The younger generation actually got along fine; it was the elders who caused problems

Iris smiled and 

ged, Hurry up and go receive the bride.All the arrangements were already in place

Iris walked over to Cassie and rubbed her back to soothe her anger. Cassie shot her a glare. This is all your fault.If it weren’t for Irisdivorce, she wouldn’t have been ridiculed like that

Iris sighed helplessly

Come on, it’s a joyous occasion; try to be happy,Dennis interjected

What’s there to be happy about? It’s not your son who’s getting married oh wait, you have no son, Cassie retorted, her words sharp enough to prick othersfeelings, including her own

Iris felt her irritation rising. Mom” 

Cassie realized that she had misspoken out of anger once more

A relative who overheard the earlier conversation approached and asked Iris, Why did you get a divorce?” 

Why can’t she? Everyone’s doing it these days!Cassie shot back


Dennis quickly made an excuse. I just saw Peter over there; let’s go say hi.He gently dragged Cassie away

Kendra had hired a catering service for the wedding banquet. They served a feast of braised fish, cold pork stomach salad, steamed hairy crabs, braised pork pigeon eggs, black chicken soup, stirfried lamb tripe, and more. The yard was filled with delicious aromas

Because Cassie was in a bad mood, Dennis kept her in a room. He kept trying to console her. People will 


Chapter 161 

eventually find out about the divorce anyway. You can’t hide it forever, so why bother? Try to be more openminded.” 

How will others see us now that Iris is divorced? Didn’t you hear what Kendra said earlier? She wanted to match Iris with a divorced man who has a kidCassie complained

Let her talk. It’s not as if Iris would actually marry the guy, Plus, Iris is already dating a man who’s even better looking than Stanley, so who cares?Dennis assured her, patting her back. Don’t be upset. We can’t keep the divorce a secret forever. It’s alright if they find out.” 

Cassie bit her lip. People will laugh at us.” 

No one will laugh at us. Divorces are common nowadays; it’s not as scandalous as it used to be,Dennis comforted. Come on, stop dwelling on it. Today is supposed to be a joyous day.” 

Kendra’s so arrogant. She keeps yapping about her son, but he’s not a smart kid when he was in school. So he runs a restaurant and he’s marrying the mayor’s daughter. So what? Iris married a wealthy man” 

She stopped abruptly. That was all in the past now. Stanley had nothing to do with them anymore. He belonged to someone else now

Sighshe exhaled deeply

Suddenly, fireworks erupted outside

The bride is here! Come on, let’s go outside and take a look,Dennis urged, pulling Cassie along

Cassie huffed, I’m not interested.” 

You’re the groom’s aunt; why be so petty?Dennis coaxed. Come on, don’t embarrass yourself in front of the younger ones.” 

Cassie got up reluctantly

Everyone had gathered at the gate to welcome the bride

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