Chapter 76
Also, Dez was an alpha, a very large alpha at that, I could expect bruises from him. It wouldn’t matter if he was as strong and powerful as he was now or as weak as the normal alpha he would still be rough, it was in his nature, and I was made for him so I should be able to handle. Not that roughness really bothered me. Soft and gentle was boring.
I knew he was probably beating himself up right now, he probably lost control that’s why he freaked out, but he didn’t hurt me at all so I didn’t know why he would be upset. I tried to nudge the wall on his head opened a little but he was holding it so tight now I gave up immediately knowing there was no way
I could even budge it.
“Luna” I heard from behind me, I looked up I annoyance.
“Kendal” I corrected hardly slowly turning around to face Brewer.
“Are you and the alpha okay?” he asked me hesitantly.
“That’s none of your busine-” Sterling started.
“It’s fine” I said to Sterling, I returned my attention to Brewer.
“We’re fine” I told him giving him a small smile, I looked back down to my tea and then went to the living room. I sat there for a little while focusing on Dez’s emotions. He was frustrated and angry mostly but there were some underlying emotions like fear and disappointment. The last one puzzled me, why was he disappointed?
I went to my room and pulled on some jeans just leaving my normal t–shirt on, it didn’t hide the hickey but it did hide the others that would be noticeable with another shirt. I pulled on my army boots and told Brewer to take me to him. I went up the stairs in the pack house and found two then I had never seen before and Michael standing outside his door, Michael sighed in relief when he saw me. I glanced warily at the men, they both smelled like alphas.
“Is he okay?” I asked.
“He’s just sitting in there, what happened?” he asked, I shook my head, his eyes trailed down to my neck and he raised an eyebrow.
“What did you do to him?” he asked me. I rolled my eyes at the accusation even though I had been the one who seduced him, but he never told me to stop so I’m not taking all the blame for this. I
Countdown i 15: Departing from.
opened the door slipping in closing it back, he was sitting his chair his head in his hands, he looked op when he saw me.
“Did you lose control?” I questioned.
“But you
didn’t I stated, he shook his head.
“And you didn’t hurt me” I added lightly. He didn’t reply for a while going back to sulking silently, his eyes held anger.
“I could’ve hurt you” he said venomously, his voice was cold and hard, it was almost as if he resented himself for being capable of hurting me, I frowned.
“But you didn’t” I replied quietly watching his back muscles tense at my soft words.
He shook his head “Kendal you don’t understand the risks”
“I don’t care about the risks, I want to be able to touch you and kiss you and mate with you without you freaking out when we get anywhere near anything intimate” I said stubbornly.
“I cant handle that Kendal” he said through his teeth clenching his jaw, I knew I was making him. angry, but I wanted this more than anything I wasn’t just going to back down when he raised his
don’t want to he
“Yes you can, you just don’t want to because you’re afraid!” I said back.
“Kendal I cant-”
“You seemed pretty fine with it this morning I interrupted.
“I almost lost control this morning” Dez shot up from his seat yelling, his voice was loud and bitter, but also serious, it held a deadly tone, and made me flinch, he clenched his hands at his eyes g
at me.
My chest tightened from his tone and I stood there in shock not breathing staring at him.
“Leave.” He told me, I sttod frozen for a second the one word making my chest hurt. He was angry at
ne and I hated it.
“Go.” He said his voice venomous.
15- Manarture from the Abuba
“Get out.” He said shaking his head, he took in a deep breath it caught in my throat a few times and swallowed trying not to cry, I nodded and walked out, I walked past Michael and went back home, I was too upset to do anything without messing it up so I just laid down on the couch and took a small
off the
Apparently I slept longer than I was supposed to because I woke up to Dez picking me up couch and taking me to bed, and I was surprisingly still tired. I felt him unbutton my jeans and yank them off and I rolled over feeling him throw a sheet over me. I heard him moving around and then I heard his retreating footsteps.
I cracked an eye opened seeing him leaving “Where are you going?” I asked him sleepily.
“To the guest room” he replied.
“Are you still mad at me?” I asked drowsily my words slurring slightly, he shook his head.
Countdown 15: Departing from the Alpha.