Countdown 15 81

Countdown 15 81


Chapter 72 

On the other hand he thought that a few alphas had already seen me at the last meeting so he might as well bring me. I smiled at these thoughts

KendalI heard in my head, I jumped at the deep voice

What?I replied

Why are you in my head?he asked me

I was just testing it outI replied innocently

LunaI heard and looked up at Brewer cursing that awful word he kept calling me

KendalI corrected

He calls you Luna for a reasonDez chimed in my making me jump and grab my 


Luna are you okay?Brewer said automatically dropping down to one knee in concern, I nodded

I’m not a Luna until we mateI answered back, he didn’t reply but I could feel his emotions and they were fear and dread. He didn’t want to mate, I chewed on my lip, feeling him block his mind out to me, I looked up at Brewer who was still staring down at me

I’m fineI said and got up washing my coffee cup out, I hunted around for the book I knew I had here

Can we go outside?I asked

Why?he asked cautiously

For sunI replied, he reluctantly nodded and let me sit on the back porch reading. I stayed outside most of the day. The back door opened and Brewer looked up from his spot in front of me, he gave a short nod and then got up and took off into the lining of the woods, I looked up seeing Dez standing there looking down at me, I gave him a big smile

He reached down and held his hand out, I grabbed it and he hauled me up, a little too roughly but that was okay. He frowned and then leaned in my breath caught in my throat and I froze completely until he went into my neck and breathed in

Countdown 15: Departing from the Alpha 


You smell goodhe told me

It’s probably sweatI told him

Go take a showerhe told me

Why do I have to take a shower if I smell good?I questioned

Kendal I don’t need anything extra to tempt me, my self control is already wearing thin around you let’s not push ithe told me his voice taking a serious tone, it made sense so I went and did as told, I got in and took a quick warm shower, I washed my hair and used his body wash, and shaved my legs even though they didn’t really need it. I tried pushing myself into his mind but I couldn’t, he was still blocking me out for some reason. I got out and wrapped a towel around myself and went down the hallway to my room, I pulled on some jeaned shorts and a blue plaid flannel, I rolled the sleeves up to my elbow and pulled on some vans I hadn’t worn yet, I hadn’t even taken them out of the box, they were grey so I figured they’d go good with my shirt. My hair was already halfway done air drying

I went back into the living room, Dez was waiting patiently sitting on the couch. He looked up at me, and then gave me the once over before getting up and motioning for me to follow him to the truck, I climbed in and he drove to the pack house

Where are we going?I asked as we walked in the living room of the pack house. He didn’t answer.

DezI said grabbing his arm he turned around facing me WordsI reminded him

I have a meeting with some allieshe answered

Am I going to have to sit with all the other lunas?I asked him, he nodded

How long is it going to take?I asked

His lips twitched A whileI looked up at him studying him for a minute, he stared back down at me, I nudged his mind a little to see if he would let me in, he wouldn’t. I wanted to see if he was in control enough for me to touch him at least. He seemed ot be his eyes were honey brown, his pupils were normal

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around him, he stiffened for a second before wrapping his arms around me. I grinned into his shirt not able to wrap my arms fully around him so I just bunched them in his shirt. He smelled really good, and my body touching his made me warm and made tingles and sparks go everywhere. I closed my eyes and savored the moment

KendalDez spoke


HimI replied not wanting words to ruin this

You’re going to make me latehe said

They’re afraid of you they aren’t going to say anythingI answered. I looked up at him and he was smiling. He leaned down and kissed my cheek and then I let him go and followed him to the same room as before

There were 6 women, all of them had a glass of wine in hand except the one who had a hand on her swollen belly. I walked in and sat down on one of the empty couches getting comfortable in a corner

Countdown 15

Countdown 15

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English

Countdown 15


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