Chapter 71
“Where are you? Who took you? Why aren’t you here with me? Are you okay? You almost gave me a heart attack? What the fuck is wrong with you? Also you took Amy’s number with you and never gave it to me, but that doesn’t matter right now.” I rolled my eyes at the last one.
“I’m with Dez” I said, knowing I wouldn’t be able to talk for a little while.
“What?! You’re with who? Did that sorry piece of shit take you? Oh hell Naw. Wait till I get my hands
on that son of a-”
“Jenny” I said.
“– cannot believe that he would even dare to come near-”
“Jenny” I said again drawing it out.
“-who the hell does he think he is, oh just wait until I tell your dad-”
“Jenny!” I said loudly causing her to shut up for once in her life.
“What?” she said.
“I chose to go with him”
“Why the hell would you do that?” she demanded.
“I-” I paused “I marked him”
“Why?” she sounded horrified.
“He’s…different” I said turning over, there was a long silence.
“He’s not going to hurt you again right?” she asked.
I don’t think so”
“And you’re happy?”
And I can come see you whenever I want?” she asked, I thought for a minute making a mental note
to ask Dez later.
“I’m sure you can” I told her.
“Will you call me later?” she asked.
“Yeah” I told her.
“Okay good because I need to go seduce Kylie so she’s not mad anymore”
“Have fun” I replied, “Make good choices” I added.
See ya” she said and hung up. I sighed setting my phone on the bedside table. I rolled over and got comfortable before deciding to get up. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before going to the kitchen seeing Dez at the island looking over paperwork drinking coffee. He glanced up at me as I walked in. I went and poured myself a cup of coffee and added milk and sugar, I wondered what he was doing as I made my coffee, and then I realized I could pretty much ask him and expect an
“What are you doing?” I asked him, he looked up at me.
“Pack stuff” he replied, I sighed in relief holding my breath. He answered. Yesterday wasn’t some
*gick dream I dreamed up. I nodded and leaned against the counter drinking my coffee.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked me, I nodded, letting my mind wander, I looked over at him realizing he still had his eyes trained on me.
“D–Did you?” I asked him.
“You kept talking in your sleep” he told me, his eyes burned with so much emotion I had to look away, my cheeks flushed slightly.
“You’ve never talked in your sleep before” he told me shaking his head moving his papers aside.
“What did I say?” I asked.
Something about a cold feet” he said, I bit my lip hiding my smile. It was probably my subconscious missing Jenny’s cold feet.
“And my name” he added, I looked up at him. That’s not completely embarrassing.
from the Alpha
Oh” I said looking at the floor to hide my flushed cheeks. There was a kanck on the door Interrupting my thoughts, I looked at Dez and he got up and got it. It was Michael
“There was a br- holy shit” I recognized Michael’s voice
“Is that a mark on your neck whose is it?” he asked, Dez didn’t respond, “Why would you lea someone mark you, what about Kend” Dez opened the door mid–sentence and he caught sight of me I waved and his face turned into a grin.
“Do you want the day off, most alphas take days off after they mark their mater Michael told him
he shook his head.
“I can handle it, I’ll call you if something major happens” Michael promited, Dez stared at him for a Jong moment and still shook his head.
He looked around Dez “Sorry Kendal I have to take him with me for a little while he said sounding genuinely sad.
“Its fine make sure he’s back before dinner” I said teasingly winking at him, he grinned and they both left, a few minutes later Brewer walked in with a few more guards. He smiled at me.
“We missed you Luna” he said, I smiled back.
“Kendal” I corrected, and sat down on the floor with my coffee. I figured since Dez was gone I’d try out my new mate superpowers and get into his head. I concentrated thinking about him and somehow there I was, right in his head. I could hear his thoughts and see what he was doing.
He was running in wolf form. He was thinking about how long it would take to get to the territory line, and then he had to stop by the prison block to see someone and then he had to go back to his office, because he had a meeting with his allies.
He stopped at these thoughts and started thinking about me. About whether he should bring me with him or not. He didn’t want to bring be because he thought that the more alphas the knew about me the more danger I was in, since they would all know about me and tell others and it would get around and someone would try to kill me, again.