Chapter 41
“What?” he asked automatically getting the point looking a little irritated.
“Are you coming home tonight?” I asked seeing his face transform into a look of pure annoyance.
“You interrupted my meeting just to ask me if I was coming home or not?” he question raising an eyebrow at me.
“Yes” I answered hardly “So are you or not?”
“Why do you care? You hate me remember” he stated.
“I know but I cant sleep if you aren’t there” I said getting frustrated at his non direct answers.
He sighed loudly, and looked back down at me. He cast a glance down the hallway, before a look of concentration crossed his features. He beckoned me forward and opened the door into his office. I followed him keeping my eyes trained on his back muscles that moved.
I was then aware of a scent that made me tingle inside and also a very familiar voice saying one
“Angela” for the second time that day I completely stopped breathing and froze in place my feet rooting to the ground. I looked to find the source of the familiar gruff voice. My eyes widened to find my father standing there.
Not my step father. Not the horrible man who raised me. Not the man who kicked me out.
But my biological father. The one who raised me and my sister. The one who made me soup when I got sick and taught me how to make scrambled eggs.
The one whose arms I was ripped out of by my mother when I was only 4.
The one who I thought was dead..
could faintly hear Dez muttering “Shit” and then a “Get the fucking pack doctor” and then the room. was spinning, black dots invaded my vision and I was plummeting straight towards the hardwood floor at a sickening speed. I could feel tingles erupt on my skin telling me Dez had successfully caught me and I reached out and grabbed his shirt clinging to him before everything faded together Injo total darkness.
Chaplet 41
I could hear it again. My mother crying sitting on the floor clutching me to her chest.
I could still hear my sister’s small cries and the bruise forming on my small arm from my dad trying to not let my mother pry me out of his hands. I didn’t know what to do, or what was going on. I was just a child.
All I knew was my mother had found her mate, a horrible man I would be forced to call ‘dad‘ the rest
my life, and my real dad was going to take me and my sister. Angela and my father went out the door with my mothers mate and I never saw them again.
I knew later on that my step father had killed them from the way my mother sobbed, and then everything was okay and I learned I was going to get a new sister.
*Kendal” I could hear a wonderful voice saying, a voice that sounded like melting chocolate and made shivers go down my spine and tingles erupt in my chest.
“Kendal” it said again this time firmer and more stern.
“Kendal. Wake up” Dez demanded, I tried to sit up but Dez was restraining my arms, and had my wrists pinned above my head. I was breathing heavily, he sighed in relief his eyes meeting mine. before his tight grip on my wrists released and he let go completely sitting back down.
I registered 3 things at once.
The first was that Dez had a black eye, and the next was that I was in an unrecognizable room on a couch, Dez sitting on the coffee table pulled next to it and the last was how much my body hurt.
“Wh–What happened to your face?” I asked studying his blackened cheekbone that slowly faded into a light purple and then a bright red as it decorated more of his face. He didn’t reply he just looked at with so many emotions all at once I couldn’t decipher them before he was moving onto the next.
“Whats going on–Where am I?” I asked looking down seeing my wrists were lightly bruised, I frowned and checked the rest of my body finding a larger one on my upper bicep. I rubbed it lightly, and looked to Dez for an elaboration but he didn’t say anything he just looked at the bruise quietly anger burning in his eyes so much I had to look away.
“What happened?” I repeated motioning to my arm.
He was completely silent and still for a second before moving so fast I jumped. He shoved his hand
in his hair.
“KC went for you and I reacted badly and grabbed you roughly” he explained so much regret in his voice it broke my heart. “I forgot how fragile you were, I wasn’t thinking” he sighed looking up at me
“KC?” I questioned quietly, his face hardened and the worry lines reappeared.
Whose KC to you?”
“No one” I replied.
“Don’t lie to me” he warned.
“I–I’m not” I lied cursing myself for stuttering.
“Will you please explain to me what the hell is going on?” he said loudly.
“No” he raised an eyebrow looking shocked at my sudden rebellious
“No. You never tell me anything”