Chapter 111
He looked good, he was a simple white t–shirt that made him look like a freaking god, and showed his tattoos, and jeans. His hair was a mess as always, his face broke out into a grin.
“Hey” I chirped going over to him, my dad turned around and had the same reaction, his eyebrows
rose. They acted like they had never seen in jeans and a sweater before. But then again, I did normally wear t–shirts and nike shorts like 95% of the time, and the other five percent was tights or
My dad looked over my outfit for a minute, I could see him scrutinizing it and his mind doing dad things. I waited patiently. He still hadn’t said anything, finally I rolled my eyes.
“Dad this is a long sleeve, and I have on jeans, you can’t see any skin” I told him motioning to myself.
“That shirt shows too much shoulder” he finally said referring to the small amount of shoulder being shown from it falling over my shoulder, I rolled my eyes.
“I’m an adult” I reminded him lightly trying not to get annoyed, he sighed.
“So this a date?” he asked hardly, his eyes going to Jay, he looked so intimidating.
“Yes” I responded, he looked mad, like he just looked generally pissed.
“Have her home by 9” he finally said to Jay. “And if you do anything to my daughter that she doesn’t want then I swear to god I’ll-”
“Dad” I cut him off, and he ignored me and stalked off, I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his small dad tantrum. I sighed in relief, and finally looked up to Jay, he was grinning at me.
“You look beautiful” he told me, I gave him a small smile. He opened the door for me and helped me. into his truck and went around the back side of the truck instead of the front like he usually does. Finally, after 3 minutes I turned around to look for him because his truck was big but it didn’t take 3 minutes to walk around it. He had both his hands on the tail gate and his head was down like he was: stressed out or something. Finally, he stood and ran a hand through his hair, walked around, and got
“You okay?” I asked, he looked over at me in alarm and nodded.
Yeah” he said giving me a cute smile.
Countdown 15: Donarting from the Alpha
Chapter 111
“What’s wrong?” I asked him.
You just… you look amazing, I mean you always look amazing but today it’s different, I was catching my breath. I don’t want to mess this up.” He told me. My heart clenched, what did I do to
deserve this? He was literally the sweetest thing in the world. How did Dez turn out the way he di
if Jay turned out like this. I stopped myself. I would never compare them, and I wasn’t going to think about him anymore. I was on a date with someone who obviously cared about me and was a good
My phone dinged and I checked it, “what are y’all doing in that truck?” it read from my dad, I started
“We should go before my dad comes out here” I told him and put my phone on silent. He nodded and
backed out.
Jay’s POV
“So where are we going?” she asked me excitedly. I glanced over at her my mind going completely
blank, my breath caught in my throat. She was so beautiful. The excitement shining in her bright
green eyes made me feel weak. I cleared my throat and regained myself. This girl was driving me
“Well, I know you haven’t eaten today, so I thought we would go out to eat, and then go to your
avorite park and get ice cream, and after that we will see” I responded looking over at her, watching her eyes go up a little as she thought about what I said.
“Okay” she said shrugging her cute little shoulders giving me the cutest damn smile in the world.
How could someone not love the hell out of this little thing? How could someone hurt her?
“What did you do today?” she asked me pulling her feet up in the seat getting comfortable.
“Work” I replied casually. “What did you do?” I asked her.
“Um, well I woke up, and I worked out with Eric and we went to get frozen yogurt and then-” she just went on for a little while babbling, being adorable as always. I didn’t really have to listen, it wouldn’t have mattered if I did or not she would just keep talking my ear off but I didn’t mind. Eventually we got there, it took longer because I actually drove the speed limit when I had her in my truck, so she wasn’t in any type of danger.
“Ready?” I asked, and she nodded, I got out and opened her door for her and picked her up setting her on the ground so she didn’t have to jump down. I slammed the door and locked it and took her inside. She got sweet tea, because that was her favorite and I got water. She peered down at the menu her green eyes wide, taking everything in. She bit down on her lip, which was what she did when she was thinking. Finally, I could tell by her facial expressions she had made a decision,
Countdown 15: Departing from the Alpha
Because the lines in her forehead smoothed and she looked up at me.