Chapter 96
I got up going to the kitchen finding Dez cooking with no shirt on, I leaned on the doorway for support and admired the way his back muscles flexed with every move he made. How did I get so lucky? He was literally the definition of sexy.
“Would you like to come in and enjoy the view from the table?” Dez asked without turning around and then finally turning around.
No, I like the view from here” I responded, he turned around and smirked at me giving me an even better view. His body literally makes my mouth go dry.
“Would you like orange juice or chocolate milk” I gave him a childish smile and he nodded and turned back around much to my dismay. I finally went into the kitchen and sat on the counter a few feet from where Dez was cooking, he glanced at me but continued his work.
“So do
you feel different?” I questioned, he shook his head.
“I’m still as strong as any normal alpha Kendal, I can still break you.” He reminded me.
“Just not as easily.” I offered.
He nodded “I still have to be careful around you” he concluded, shooting me a look, I gave him a mischievous grin.
“So does that mean we can have sex?” I finally asked, he froze for a second and then looked at me
“You’re not going to trick me into getting you pregnant.” He stated. That’s not what I was doing but it was a good idea.
“If I was trying to trick you into getting me pregnant my approach would be very different” I assured him and his eyes flicked up to me at these words, I could tell they bothered him a little and had got him thinking. I batted my eyelashes and gave him an innocent smile. I went to the island and sat on one of the stools.
*So is
is that a no?” I asked as he set a plate in front of me with an omelet then handed me a fork and went to the refrigerator to get out some milk.
“I don’t exactly know how strong I am Kendal” was his response.
Countdown 15: Departing from the Alpha
So does that mean if you think you won’t hurt me then we can.”
Eat your food” he told me giving me a hard look.
“I’m not hungry.” I replied, “We can just… take precautions that way”
“Kendal, eat. You haven’t eaten in days you need to cat” he demanded setting a glass of chocolate
milk in front of me.
“So if you think it will be okay then will you.”
“Kendal. I will not discuss this further with you until you eat.” He said a little loudly and intimidatingly. I shut my mouth and rolled my eyes and then began to eat. I was actually very hungry; I didn’t realize how hungry I was. I finished the omelet in minutes ignoring Dez’s looks of skepticism and triumph as he cleaned up the kitchen. I pushed my plate back when I was done and took a couple sips of chocolate milk.
“Are you going to work today?” I asked him quietly, he turned around and crossed his arms over his chest leaning against the counter behind him.
“If they need me” he responded, I rolled my eyes and took my dishes to the sink and then went back to our room. I turned the shower on and put my hair in a messy bun because I didn’t feel like washing it. I washed my body about 3 times and shaved my legs and then got out. I put on some cute Jack lacy panties that were quite reveling with the matching bra, and I just pulled on a simple white t–shirt. I took my hair down and French braided it into double braids, then brushed my teeth and went back into our room surprised to find Dez lying in bed and the TV on some sports channel thing.
It was weird seeing him relax and actually do things normal people do like watch TV. His eyes trailed down my body as his eyebrows rose but he didn’t comment. I climbed into bed and grabbed a pillow, I set it in his lap and laid down. After a while he started to lightly rub my back, I closed my eyes focusing on his light touch. He gave me chills, his hands slid further up my shirt as he traced random patterns on my skin. Finally, I sat up and got in his lap watching him the whole time seeing if I was crossing a line.
He didn’t really have facial expressions so there wasn’t anything telling me to stop. I took both las hands and set them on my thighs.
“How long did James say you would be like this?” I asked him wrapping my hands around his neck, he didn’t even look like he was breathing.
“A day
y or two” he responded, his body was almost ridged.
“And then after that are you going to go back to ignoring me and never touching me…?” I asked dropping my eyes, he didn’t respond, instead he lifted one of his hands and slowly brushed hair out
Countdown 15: Depart frum the Alpha
of my hair, his touch was so light. I couldn’t imagine how much he was straining himself. He took one of my hands and smelled the inside of my wrist and then place a light kiss on my forearm. I watched quietly enjoying the feel of his touch and attention.
Countdown 15 Departing from the Alpha