Chapter 62
Chapter 62
My right hand strokes his cheek and he closes his eyes and melts into me. I find myself smiling at
I lean in and give him a peck. Then, I lay back down and throw my leg over his waist.
We are both asleep before I know it.
Damion’s POV:
Sweetheart, time to wake up.” I say while brushing Lee’s hair with my fingers.
She groans and snuggles her face into
my neck.
I laugh, “Lee, come on. We have a date.”
“No.” She whines.
“I’m sleepy.”
“I don’t care, I have waited over a decade to take you out. Now, get your cute little ass up and get
“Make me.” She grumbles into my neck.
As you wish.
I roll her over so that shes under me and start kissing her. She is still half asleep, so her lips are moving a lot slower than mine. Gradually she catches up and wraps her arms around my neck while she bends her knees so that I am positioned in between her legs.
I pull away, “You have three seconds to get up before the deal is off and I make you cum five times
in a row.”
Her eyes shoot open and she tries to push me off, “Ok, ok. I’m going. Do you see me moving? Yeah, that’s because I’m up.” She rambles.
laugh at how adorable she is and get off of her as she reaches down and gets my shirt from the floor. She slips it on and runs into the bathroom.
get up and knock on the door, “I’m going to run home and shower and get some clothes, ok?” I say
Abandoned by My Mate, Desired by His Alpha Brother
Chapter 63
through the door.
She doesn’t reply for a few seconds, then the door busts open.
“No, just shower here… with me.” She says with those devil eyes of hers.
She’s trying to seduce me, and its fucking working because I have no self control when it comes to her.
She walks closer and stand on her toes to kiss me. Slowly, she starts to pull me into the bathroom while I am distracted by her lips. I finally come to my senses and take my lips away from hers.
She pounts, “Come on, staaay.”
“No, I have to change and make sure I look nice for you.” I say while trying to not kiss her again.
Her pout starts to turn into a small smile and she looks at me through her lashes, “Are you trying to impress me?”
“Stop doing that, you have major fuck me eyes and I am trying to leave.” I say lowly.
She laughs a little and throws her arms around me. On instinct mine wrap around her waist, “Fine.” She sighs.
“You can go, but only because I want to look nice too. Aaaand knowing you, the second I’m finally ready you will decided it is a great time to give me an orgasm.”
I smirk, “You want one before I go?”
Her jaw drops, “Nooo.”
We are both silent.
“Maybeee.” She says looking down shyly.
I put my index finger under her chin and lift it so that she’s looking at me, “Sweetheart, all you have to do is ask.”
I kiss her and grab her thighs. She jumps and wraps her legs around my body. I take her to the bed and lay her down.
“Tongue, fingers, or both?” I ask while looking at her swollen red lips that I just want to kiss the life
out of.
Abandoned by My Mate, Desired by His Alpha Brother
Chapter 62
Dick. Clothes on.” She says breathlessly.
Lgo back to kissing her hungrily. My hips thrust against her and she moans into
“Harder.” She says in between kisses.
I thrust her harder and start kissing my way down her neck. Jared’s stupid ass bruise is there, but that only makes me add more hickeys to her neck.
I bite her sweet spot, the one where I will hopefully mark one day and she moans while her back
arches off the bed.
“More.” She gasps.
I bite a little harder and grab her left leg so that it wraps around me. I use it as leverage to thrust harder.
“Ohhh, don’t stop.” She begs.
“Fucking hell, Lee.” I groan as I try to hold back from cumming
I put my forehead against her and watch her pleasure filled face. She mouth is making an a little ‘o‘. I
love knowing its me making her feel this way.
“I’m close.” She says quietly.
She nods and asks, “Can you cum with me?”
“Baby, I have been trying to hold on for you.”
That makes her eyes roll back in her head and she grits out, “Now.”
My boxers start to feel wet from both her and me.
She moans my name as she cums and I swear it makes me cum harder. We both ride it out and then
I collapse on top of her.
“I love it when you say my name while you cum.” I say.
She laughs, “I love it when you make me cum.”
igh, “Now I really have to go.”
Abandoned by My Mate, Desired by His Alpha Brother
Chapter &
Eget up and she laughs while looking at the wet spot on my boxers, “You did this.” I say to her.
She smirks, “I know.”
I grab my pants and put them on. As I am buckling the belt she asks where she should meet me and what she should wear. I tell her I am picking her up at seven and to wear a dress in case I can’t keep my hands to myself.
She scoffs, “In case. Yeah right.”
“Its not my fault your so damn sexy.” I say while putting on of the shirt I had on my football bag.
“Hmmm true.” She says with a sexy smirk.
She laughs, “Kidding.”
I walk over to her bed where she is laying down on her back and hover over her. I give her a kiss,
“I’m not.”
Then I turn around grab my phone, bag, and make sure I have my keys, “Bye, beautiful.”
“Byyye.” She yells back before I leave her room and walk out of the house.
I step in the shower and rinse off the smell of sex.
I’m about halfway done when I start to think of Lee. Showers are boring without her. My shampoo and body wash sucks compared to hers. I miss her body, her smile, her lips.
Aaand now my dick is hard.
I look down and start to picture her kneeling there while she sucks my dick, like she did yesterday. I grab my dick and start pumping. I lean forward and put my hand on the wall in front of me while I stand under the shower jerking off to the thought of Lee. I’ve been doing this since I was thirteen, but now… I know what she tastes like, how she sound when she cums, the smell of her sex, and it is so.
Much. Better.
Abandoned by My Mate, Desired by His Alpha Brother